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Sonntag, 6. März 2011

The Guardian redet ... The kids don't buy these bullshit arguments anymore

It must be bliss to be alive, young and Arab in this dawn of revolution

Spend time in Tunisia or Egypt and it is clear that the protests are not driven by ideology but the search for equity

"The kids don't buy these bullshit arguments anymore,"

the veteran French-Tunisian commentator Guy Sitbon told me. Several times, I wished that Tony Blair could have stood by incognito to hear the reasoned contempt poured on his fears about Islamic fundamentalism, which, interestingly, chimed with nightmares about al-Qaida evoked last week by his old hugging pal, Colonel Gaddafi. This quake is not about religion or even ideology in the dogmatic sense – it's about creating societies with dignity, fairness and justice. The things that obsess Arab people are corruption and the abysmal standards in public life. To most, that seems as good a place to start as any...


Henry Porter in North Africa / The Observer, Sunday 6 March 2011



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